
Productivism, contradiction, meta-industrial class

Ariel Salleh, George Munster, Ross Poole, Tim Rowse, and Terry Smith, (1984/5) Conversation: 'Australian Intellectuals and the Left', Thesis Eleven, No. 10, 145- 165.

Ariel Salleh (1985) Review: 'Schultz' Steel City Blues', Australian Book Review, No. 75, 24.

Ariel Salleh (1988) 'Epistemology and the Metaphors of Production', Studies in the Humanities, Vol. 15, No. 2, 130-139.

Ariel Salleh (1991) 'Eco-socialism/ecofeminism', Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 2, No. 1, 129-134.

Ariel Salleh (1992) 'Marxism and Ecofeminism', Fifth Estate, No. 27, 21-27.

Ariel Salleh (1992) 'Ecosocialismo-Ecofeminismo', Nueva Sociedad, No 122, Noviembre-Diciembre, 230-233. (Spanish trans.)

Ariel Salleh (1994) 'Nature, Woman, Labor, Capital' in Martin O'Connor ed., Is Capitalism Sustainable? New York: Guilford, 106-124.

Ariel Salleh (1994) 'Naturaleza, mujer, trabajo, capital: la mas profunda contradiccion', Ecologia Politica, No. 7, 35-47. (Spanish trans.)

Ariel Salleh (1995) 'Nature, Woman, Labor, Capital: Living the Deepest Contradiction', Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 6, No. 1, 21-39. Reprint.

Ariel Salleh (1995) 'La Svida Nuovva dell' Ecofemminismo', Capitalismo Nature Socialismo, Vol 15, No. 1, 79-101. (Italian trans.)

Ariel Salleh (1996) 'Capital and its Infrastructures' in Janis Birkeland ed., Proceedings of the Catalyst '95 Conference, University of Canberra.

Ariel Salleh (1998) Interview by Juliet Fox: 'Marxism and Ecofeminism', Earth Matters, Radio 3CR Melbourne, March. (Audio)

Ariel Salleh (2000) 'The Meta-Industrial Class and Why We Need It', Democracy & Nature, Vol. 6, No. 1, 27-36.

Ariel Salleh (2000) 'The Meta-Industrial Class', Chain Reaction, No 83, 25-26. Reprint.

Ariel Salleh (2000) 'Destabilising the Rhetoric of Production', Proceedings of the International Conference on Ecological Discourse, Taipei: English Department, Tamkang University.

Ariel Salleh (2001) Exchange with John Foster and Paul Burkett: 'Sustaining Nature or Sustaining Marx?', Organization & Environment, Vol. 14, No. 4, 443-450:

Ariel Salleh (2001) 'The Capitalist Division of Labour and its Meta-Industrial Class', Proceedings of the Australian Sociological Association Conference, University of Sydney.

Ariel Salleh (2001) Reply to Takis Fotopoulos: 'On the Meta-Industrial Class', Democracy & Nature, Vol. 7, No. 2, 363-365.

Ariel Salleh (2002) Conversation with Joel Kovel, Steve Chase, and John Clark: 'On eco-socialism and ecofeminism', Ecopolitics Digest, 28 May-10 June.

Ariel Salleh (2002) 'Destabilising the Rhetoric of Production', Tamkang Review, Vol. XXXII, No. 3 & 4, 95-109. Reprint.

Ariel Salleh (2003) Review: 'Hutchinson et al, The Politics of Money', Organization & Environment, Vol. 16, No. 3, 395-398.

Ariel Salleh (2005) Editorial: 'Moving to an Embodied Materialism', Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 16, No. 2, 9-14.

Ariel Salleh (2006) Introduction to Eco-socialist-Ecofeminist Dialogues: 'Towards an Inclusive Solidarity on the Left', Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 17 No. 4, 32-37.

Ariel Salleh (2006) Dialogue with Alan Rudy: 'Embodying the Deepest Contradiction', Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 17, No. 4, 116-125.

Ariel Salleh (2008) 'Eco-socialism and "Ecological Civilization" in China', Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 19, No. 3, 122-128.

Ariel Salleh (2008) 'How the Ecological Footprint is Gendered: Implications for eco-socialist theory and praxis', Green Leaf, No. 126, June. Ministry of Environmental Protection, Beijing, 68-73. (Mandarin)

Ariel Salleh (2010) 'How the Ecological Footprint is Sex-Gendered: Implications for an eco-socialist theory and praxis' in Qingzhi Huan ed., Eco-Socialism as Politics. Dordrecht: Springer.

Ariel Salleh (2010) 'Embodied Materialism in Action', Polygraph: special issue on Ecology and Ideology, No. 22, 183-199:

)2017) 'Le Materialisme incarne en action', Multitudes, No. 67, 37-53. (French trans.)

Ariel Salleh (2010) 'From Metabolic Rift to Metabolic Value: Reflections on Environmental Sociology and the Alternative Globalization Movement', Organization & Environment, Vol. 23, No. 2, 205-219.

Ariel Salleh (2010) 'From Eco-Sufficiency to Global Justice', Marxism and Reality, 2010, No. 5, 174-180. (Mandarin trans.)

Ariel Salleh (2010) 'How the Ecological Footprint is Sex-Gendered: Implications for an eco-socialist theory and praxis' in Q. Huan ed., Eco-Socialism as Politics. Dordrecht: Springer.

Ariel Salleh (2011) 'The Value of a Synergistic Economy' in A. Nelson and F. Timmerman eds., Life Without Money: Building Fair and Sustainable Economies. London. Pluto Press.

Ariel Salleh (2012) 'Rio+20 and the Green Economy: Technocrats, Meta-industrials, WSF and Occupy':

Ariel Salleh (2012) 'Green Economy or Green Utopia? Rio+20 and the Reproductive Labor Class', Journal of World Systems Research, Vol. 18, No. 2, 141- 145.

Ariel Salleh, 2012, ‘Rio+20 and the Extractivist Green Economy’, Arena, No. 119, 28-30.

Ariel Salleh (2013) ‘Review: Biro’s Critical Ecologies’, Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 24, No. 2, 129-131.

Ariel Salleh (2014) ‘Ecosocialism, Gendered Imaginaries, and the Informatic-Securitization Complex', Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 25, No. 1, 24-39.

Ariel Salleh (2014) ‘A Vernacular Reply to Barkin's review of Life Without Money', Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 25, No. 2, 128-131.

Ariel Salleh (2015) ‘Democratising Class Theory', Progress in Political Economy: (AU)

Ariel Salleh (2015) with James Goodman and Hamed Hosseini ‘From Sociological to Ecological Imagination: Another Future is Possible', in Jonathan Marshall and Linda Connor (eds.), Environmental Change and the World's Futures. London: Routledge.

Ariel Salleh (2015) 'Neoliberalism, Scientism, and Earth System Governance' in Raymond Bryant (ed.), International Handbook of Political Ecology, Cheltenham: Elgar. (UK)

Ariel Salleh (2015) 'Another Climate Strategy is Possible', Progress in Political Economy: (AU)

Ariel Salleh (2015) 'Listening to Ecological Voices from the global South', Journal of Environmental Thought and Education, Vol. 8, 64-71 (JP)

(2016)「南」からのエコロジー的な声に耳を傾ける (Listening to Ecological Voices from the global South), Journal of Synthetic Anthropology, Vol. 10, 77-95, (Japanese trans. JP)

Ariel Salleh (2016) 'Odih's Watersheds in Marxist Ecofeminism', Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 27, No. 1, 132-140. (US)

Ariel Salleh (2016) 'Another Climate Strategy is Possible', Pambazuka, Issue 756: (ZA)

Ariel Salleh (2016) 'The Anthropocene: Thinking in “Deep Geological Time” or Deep Libidinal Time?', International Critical Thought, Vol. 6, No. 3, 422-433.

(2020) 'Antropocen: razmišljajući u "dubinskom geološkom vremenu" ili "dubinskom libidinalnom vremenu" in Ekofeminizam: između zelenih i ženskih studija (Ecofeminism: between Green and Women’s Studies), G. Đurđević, S. Marjanić (eds.), Zagreb: Durieux, 43-59. (Croat transl. HR)

Ariel Salleh (2017) 'Politics and the Totality of Natural Relations', Progress in Political Economy: (AU)

Ariel Salleh (2017) 'Embodied Materialism in Action', Polygraph: special issue on Ecology and Ideology, No. 22: Postscript to Ecofeminism as Politics. London: Zed Books. (Reprint)

Ariel Salleh (2017) 'A tecnociência pós-moderna e o trabalho de cuidado' [Postmodern Technoscience and the Labour of Care], Cadernos Cemarx: special issue on Marxism, sexuality and gender, No. 10, 175-196. (Portuguese transl. BR)

Ariel Salleh (2018) 'Fur eine Demokratisierung der Klassentheorie', LuXemburg, January: (DE)

Ariel Salleh (2019) 'The Meanings of Labor', Roundtable 'Planetizing the Labor Movement', Tellus Institute, Boston:

(2020) 'The Meanings of Labor', Journal of Environmental Thought and Education, Vo. 13, No. 1, 43-44. (Japanese trans.)

Ariel Salleh (2019) 'Ecofeminist Sociology as a New Class Analysis' in Klaus Dorre and Brigitte Aulenbacher (eds.) Global Dialogue, International Sociological Association Newsletter: Vol. 9, No. 1: (EU)

(2019) 'Ecofeminist Sociology as a New Class Analysis', 'Global Dialogue', 26 March: World Social Movements Discussion List: Reprint.

Ariel Salleh (2019) 'Ecofeminist Sociology as a New Class Analysis', 'Global Dialogue', 26 March: World Social Movements Discussion List <>. (Reprint. IN)

Ariel Salleh (2019) 'Ecofeminism as (Marxist) Sociology' in Khayaat Fakier, Diana Mulinari, and Nora Rathzel (eds.) Marxist Feminist Theories and Struggles Today: Essential Writings on Intersectionality, Labour, and Ecofeminism. London: Zed Books.

2021 Reprint and Chinese translation of Ch 16 - Shen Sen (ed.), Marxism and Feminism. Peking: Renmin University Press. 第19章 生态女性主义经济学:    从生态适量到全球正义* [澳]艾瑞尔・萨勒 著    郇庆治 译  国家出版基金项目    当代国外马克思主义前沿问题研究丛书 总主编 江 洋 马克思主义与女性主义,    申 森 主编    中国人民大学出版社 ・北京・

Ariel Salleh (2020) 'The Meanings of Labor', Vol. 13, No. 1, 43-44, Journal of Environmental Thought and Education. (Japanese transl. JP)

Ariel Salleh (2020) 'A Materialist Ecofeminist Reading of the Green Economy: or, Yes Karl, the Ecological Footprint is Sex-Gendered’, in Hamed Hosseini, James Goodman, Sara Motta, and Barry Gills (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies. London: Routledge.

Ariel Salleh (2020) Conversation on Ecofeminism as Politics:

Ariel Salleh (2021) 'An Embodied Materialist Sociology' in Katharine Legun, Julie Keller, Michael Carolan, and Michael Bell (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ariel Salleh (2021) 'An EcoCentric Epistemology for EcoSocialism' in Leigh Brownhill, Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro, Terran Giacomini, Ana Isla, Michael Löwy, Terisa E. Turner (eds.) The Routledge Handbook on EcoSocialism. London: Routledge.

Ariel Salleh (2021) 'Okofeministisch zu einemgerechten Systemwechsel?', Frauen Solidaritat, 157/158, 7-9.

Ariel Salleh (2022) 'Ecofeminist Strategy. The Politics of Holding Life-On-Earth'. Discourse-P, 19(1), 62–83.

Ariel Salleh 2022 'Interview: A Relational Logic for the Left' in Walter Baier, Eric Canepis, and Haris Golemis (eds.), Transform ! Europe Yearbook, EU Brussels / London: Merlin Press.

Ariel Salleh 2022 Russian translation - Для цитирования: Саллех А. Экофеминистская стратегия. Политика сохранения жизни-на-Земле // Дискурс-Пи. 2022. Т. 19. No 1. С. 62–83. https://doi. org/10.17506/18179568_2022_19_1_62 (RU)

Ariel Salleh 2022 Turkish translation - Sınıf teorisini demokratikleştirmek, Forum Haberleri, 9 Kasım, Çarşamba - 09?30

Ariel Salleh 2022 'Interview: A Relational Logic for the Left' in Walter Baier, Eric Canepis, and Haris Golemis (eds.), Transform ! Europe Yearbook, EU Brussels / London: Merlin Press.


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