Edited Journals

Ariel Salleh ed. (2010) Special Issue: 'Water and the Complexities of Climate', International Journal of Water, Vol. 5, No. 4. (EU)

Ariel Salleh (2010) 'Editorial: A sociological reflection on the complexities of climate change research', International Journal of Water, Vol. 5, No. 4, 285-297. (EU)

Ariel Salleh ed. (2006) Special Issue: 'Eco-socialist-Ecofeminist Dialogues', Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 17, No. 4, 32-124. (US)

Ariel Salleh (2004-08) Edited with Joel Kovel et al, Capitalism Nature Socialism. (US)

Ariel Salleh (1990-94) Edited with Barbara Whiteman, Jo Immig, Kathryn Squires, ecofeminist actions, No. 1-13. (AU)

Ariel Salleh (1986-87) Edited with Gyorgy Markus et al, Thesis Eleven, No. 14 & 17. (AU)