Ecofeminist Theory
Hegemonic masculinity, technoscience, reproductive labour skills
Ariel K. Salleh (1981) 'Of Portnoy's Complaint and feminist problematics', Journal of Sociology, Vol. 17, No. 1, 4-13.
Ariel K. Salleh (1982) 'Nature in trouble: Reply to Robert van Krieken', Journal of Sociology, Vol. 18, No. 3, 465-71.
Ariel K. Salleh (1983) 'Ecology and Ideology', Chain Reaction, No. 31, 20.
Ariel Salleh (1984) 'Why Ecofeminism?', Women's Action Against Global Violence News, February-March, 6.
Ariel Salleh (1984) 'The growth of ecofeminism', Chain Reaction, No. 36, 26-28.
Ariel Salleh (1984) 'From Feminism to Ecology', Social Alternatives, Vol. 4, No. 3, 8-12.
Social Alternatives:
Ariel Salleh (1985) Interview by Paul Carter, 'Positioning Women's Writing', First Edition, ABC Radio National, February. (Audio)
Ariel Salleh (1985) 'Getting Ecofeminism Straight: Reply to Terri Seddon', Chain Reaction, No. 37, 3-4.
Ariel Salleh (1988) 'Environment: Consciousness and Action', Journal of Environmental Education, Vol. 20, No. 2, 26-31.
Ariel Salleh (1989) 'Stirrings of a New Renaissance', Island Magazine, No. 38, 26-31.
Ariel Salleh (1990) 'The Politics of Representation', Arena, No. 91, 163-169.
Ariel Salleh (1990) 'Living with Nature: reciprocity or control' in Ron and Joan Engel (eds.), Ethics of Environment and Development. London: Pinter, 245-253.
1993 Reprint - 'Living with Nature' in Maria Inacia d'Avila and Naomi de Vasconcelos (eds.), Ecologia, Feminismo, Desenvolvimento. Rio de Janeiro, EICOS-Universidade Federale, 57-67.
1993 Reprint - 'Working with Nature: reciprocity or control?' in Michael Zimmerman, Baird Callicott, George Sessions, Karen Warren, and John Clark (eds.), Environmental Philosophy. New York: Prentice Hall, 310-319.
1998 Reprint - 'Working with Nature: reciprocity or control?' in Michael Zimmerman, Baird Callicott, George Sessions, Karen Warren, and John Clark (eds.), Environmental Philosophy. New York: Prentice Hall, 315-324.
Ariel Salleh (1991) 'Essentialism - and ecofeminism', Arena, No. 94, 167-173.
Ariel Salleh (1992) 'Gender and Environment - main themes' in Ronnie Harding ed., Proceedings of Ecopolitics V Conference, University of New South Wales.
Ariel Salleh (1993) 'Beware Black Shades: A Comment on Pornography and Pleasure', Fifth Estate, Vol. 28, No. 1, 28-30.
Ariel Salleh (1998) 'Women and Grounded Solidarity' in John Cameron ed., Proceedings of the Sense of Place Colloquium in Alice Springs, 1997, Social Ecology, University of Western Sydney.
Ariel Salleh (1998) 'Ecology, Feminism, and Liberal Myopia', Island Magazine, No. 75, 123-25.
Ariel Salleh (2000) 'Protecting Diversity: Bio, Cultural, Theoretical', Rhizome, Vol. 8, No. 4.
5th left Dutta, centre Mies, 1st right Salleh, 2nd right Gyorgy
Ariel Salleh (2009) 'The Dystopia of Technoscience: An ecofeminist critique of postmodern reason', Futures, Vol. 41, No. 4, 201-209.
Susan Hawthorne and Ariel Salleh (2009) Conversation: 'Thinking Beyond, Thinking Deep', Island Magazine, No. 116, 8-17.
2009 Polish translation - 'Dlug Ekologiczny: Dlug Ucielesniony' [Ecological Debt: Embodied Debt], Biblioteka Online Think Tank Feministycznego:
2010 SPanish trnslation (MX) - 'El Movimiento Ecofeminista y la Economia Solidaria', Veredas: Revista del Pensamiento Sociologico, No. 21, Vol. 11, 71-79.
2017 French translation 'Le Materialisme incarne en action', Multitudes, No. 67, 37-53.
2012 Reprint - 'Fukushima: A call for women's leadership', The Commoner, No. 15, 314-337.
2014 Reprint - 'Fukushima: A Call for Women's Leadership':
Ariel Salleh (2011) 'Climate Change and the 'Other' Footprint', Women Resisting Crisis and War, Asia Pacific Research Network Conference Proceedings, Manila: IBON, 2112.
Ariel Salleh, with Mary Mellor, Katharyn Farrell, and Vandana Shiva (2012) 'How Ecofeminists Use Complexity in Ecological Economics' in K. Farrell, S. van den Hove, and T. Luzzati (eds.), Beyond Reductionism. London: - Routledge, 154-178.
Ariel Salleh (2014) 'Foreword' to Maria Mies and Vandana Shiva, Ecofeminism, London: Zed Books.
Ariel Salleh (2015) 'Ecofeminism and the Politics of Reproduction' in Brigitte Aulenbacher, Birgit Riegraf, Susanne Völker (eds.), Feministische Kapitalismuskritik, Einstiege in bedeutende Forschungsfelder mit einem Interview mit Ariel Salleh, Munster, Westfälisches: Dampfboot. (DE)
Ariel Salleh (2016) 'Triangulating Political Ecology' in Susan Buckingham (ed.), Gender and Environment. London: Routledge. (UK)
2020 Croation translation (HR) - 'Antropocen: razmišljajući u "dubinskom geološkom vremenu" ili "dubinskom libidinalnom vremenu" in Ekofeminizam: između zelenih i ženskih studija (Ecofeminism: between Green and Women’s Studies), G. Đurđević, S. Marjanić (eds.), Zagreb: Durieux, 43-59.
Ariel Salleh (2016) 'Odih's Watersheds in Marxist Ecofeminism', Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 27, No. 1, 132-140. (US)
Ariel Salleh (2016) Interview: 'Im patriarchalen Würgegriff: Ariel Salleh über die Aktualität des Ökofeminismus', An-schlage, No. 5, 17-19. (AT)
2016 French translation - 'Pour un ecofeminisme international' in Emilie Hache (ed.), Reclaim: Recueil de textes ecofeministes. Paris: Editions Cambourakis/Sorcieres, 343-366.
Ariel Salleh (2017) 'Ecofeminism' in Clive Spash (ed.), Ecological Economics: Nature and Society. London: Routledge. (UK)
2020 Slovene translation - 'Ekofeminizem', Okoljski Boji Skozi Peizmo Mnozicne Mobilizacije', Casopis za kritiko znanosti,domisljijo in novo antropologijo, Letnik XLVIII, stevilka 279, UDK 3, 10-25.
2017 Reprint - 'Deeper than Deep Ecology: The ecofeminist connection' in Lara Stevens, Peta Tait, and Devise Varney (eds.), Feminist Ecologies. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (UK)
Ariel Salleh (2017) 'A tecnociência pós-moderna e o trabalho de cuidado' [Postmodern Technoscience and the Labour of Care], Cadernos Cemarx: special issue: Marxism, sexuality and gender, No.10, 175-196. (BR)
2017 Italian translation - Il Mitte interview with Valentina Risaliti, 'Berlino è femmina: Ariel Salleh presenta la sua idea di ecofemminismo', Il Mitte, Berlin, 5 June.
2017 - French translation - 'Le Materialisme incarne en action', Multitudes, No. 67, 37-53.
2018 Croatian translation - 'Antropocen: Razmišljanje u "dubokom geološkom vremenu" ili duboko libidinalno vrijeme' in Suzana Marjanić and Goran Đurđević (Durdevic (eds.), Ekofeminizam: između zelenih i ženskih studija [Ecofeminism: between green and women's studies]. Koprivnica: Pod galgama.
2018 Croatian translation - Interview with Goran Đurđević, 'Ekofeminizam je uvijek bio politika solidarnosti', Pravednost, October:
2018 Spanish translation - 'Una estrategia eco-feminista: militar por el agua, el clima, y las luchas post-desarollo' [Joining Up Water, Climate, and Post-Development Struggles: An Ecofeminist Strategy] in Alberto Acosta (ed.), Ecuador Debate, No 103, 147-158.
2019 Hungarian tranlsation - 'Okofeminizmus', Fordulat, Vol. 25, No. 1, 147-162.
2020 Chinese tranlsation - 第19章 生态女性主义经济学: 从生态适量到全球正义 [澳]艾瑞尔·萨勒 著 郇庆治 译 国家出版基金项目 当代国外马克思主义前沿问题研究丛书 总主编 江 洋 马克思主义与女性主义, 申 森 主编 , 中国人民大学出版社 ·北京·.
2022) Russian tranlsation - 'Ecofeminist Strategy. The Po2018 Spanish translation - 'Una estrategia eco-feminista: militar por el agua, el clima, y las luchas post-desarollo' [Joining Up Water, Climate, and Post-Development Struggles: An Ecofeminist Strategy] in Alberto Acosta (ed.), Ecuador Debate, No 103, 147-158.litics of Holding Life-On-Earth'. Discourse-P, 19(1), 62–83.
2022 Russian translation - Для цитирования: Саллех А. Экофеминистская стратегия. Политика сохранения жизни-на-Земле // Дискурс-Пи. Т. 19. No 1. С. 62–83. https://doi. org/10.17506/18179568_2022_19_1_62.
2022 Turkish translation - Sınıf teorisini demokratikleştirmek, Forum Haberleri, 9 Kasım, Çarşamba - 09/30.
2023 Reprint - 'Ecofeminism for a Just and Sustainable Transition' in Goran Durdevic and Suzana Marjanic (eds.), Ecofeminism on the Edge: Theory and Practice, Leeds: Emerald Press, 251–256.
2023 Reprint (IN) - Interview with Maria Mies: ‘Women, Nature, and the International Division of Labour’, Mainstream Weekly (online), 2 June.
2023 - Italian translation - 'Più profonda dell’ecologia profonda: la connessione eco- femminista', in Franco Nasi and Luca Valera (eds.), Riga 46: special journal issue on the philosophy of Arne Naess and book version Arne Naess. Macerata: Quadlibet.
2020 Japanese translation - 'The Meanings of Labor', Journal of Environmental Thought and Education, Vo. 13, No. 1, 43-44.
2019 Reprint - 'Ecofeminist Sociology as a New Class Analysis', 'Global Dialogue', 26 March: World Social Movements Discussion List:
2019 Hungarian translation - 'Okofeminizmus', Fordulat, Vol. 25, No. 1, 147-162.
Ariel Salleh (2019) 'Ecofeminist Reason and the Politics of Life-on-Earth', in Andrej Luksic and Tomislav Tkalec (eds.), Intertwining of Diverse Minds, Proceedings from the 2018 Summer School of Political Ecology, University of Ljubljana, September. (SI)
Ariel Salleh (2019) 'Ecofeminism as (Marxist) Sociology' in Khayaat Fakier, Diana Mulinari, and Nora Rathzel (eds.) Marxist Feminist Theories and Struggles Today: Essential Writings on Intersectionality, Labour, and Ecofeminism. London: Zed Books.
Ariel Salleh (2020) 'Ecofeminism: The Politics of Holding Life-on-Earth Together', Radical Ecological Democracy:
Ariel Salleh (2020) 'A Materialist Ecofeminist Reading of the Green Economy: or, Yes Karl, the Ecological Footprint is Sex-Gendered’, in Hamed Hosseini, James Goodman, Sara Motta, and Barry Gills (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies. London: Routledge.
Ariel Salleh (2020) '"Holding" a Just and Ecological Peace' in Joe Camilleri and Deborah Guess (eds.) Towards a Just and Ecologically Sustainable Peace. Singapore: Palgrave.
2020 Croatian translation - 'Antropocen: razmišljajući u "dubinskom geološkom vremenu" ili "dubinskom libidinalnom vremenu" in Ekofeminizam: između zelenih i ženskih studija (Ecofeminism: between Green and Women’s Studies), G. Đurđević, S. Marjanić (eds.), Zagreb: Durieux, 43-59.
Ariel Salleh (2020) Conversation on Ecofeminism as Politics: (DE)
2020 Reprint (IN) - 'Ecofeminism: The Politics of Holding Life-on-Earth Together', Radical Ecological Democracy:
Ariel Salleh (2020) 'Re-Worlding - with a Pluriversal New Deal', Arena, No. 4, 28-32.
2021 Reprint - 'Re-Worlding - with a Pluriversal New Deal', Global Tapestry of Alternatives Newsletter, No 4, May.
Ariel Salleh (2021) 'An Embodied Materialist Sociology' in Katharine Legun, Julie Keller, Michael Carolan, and Michael Bell (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ariel Salleh (2021) 'An EcoCentric Epistemology for EcoSocialism' in Leigh Brownhill, Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro, Terran Giacomini, Ana Isla, Michael Löwy, Terisa E. Turner (eds.) The Routledge Handbook on EcoSocialism. London: Routledge.
Ariel Salleh (2021) 'Okofeministisch zu einemgerechten Systemwechsel?', Frauen Solidaritat, 157/158, 7-9.
Ariel Salleh (2021) 'Holding as Labour and Epistemology', Global Dialogue, Vol. 11, No. 3.
Ariel Salleh (2021) Interview: 'A Regenerative Ethic for a Gender Just Transition', Gender and Just Transitions Series, Institute for Global Development, University of New South Wales:
2023 Reprint - 'Ecofeminism for a Just and Sustainable Transition' in Goran Durdevic and Suzana Marjanic (eds.). Ecofeminism on the Edge: Theory and Practice. Leeds: Emerald Press, 251- 256.
Ariel Salleh (2022) 'The Secret Behind Ecology' in Guillaume Desanges (ed.), Palais: le magazine du Palais de Tokyo. (FR)
2022 French translation - ' Les Secrets de l'ecologie' in Guillaume Desanges (ed.), Palais: le magazine du Palais de Tokyo.
Ariel Salleh 2022 'Interview: A Relational Logic for the Left' in Walter Baier, Eric Canepis, and Haris Golemis (eds.), Transform ! Europe Yearbook, EU Brussels / London: Merlin Press.
Ariel Salleh (2023) Interview by Marta Martinova, 'Lide jsou priroda ve forme tela', Eko-Feminismus, No. 4, 21. (CZ)
Ariel Salleh (2023) Interview by Tica Moreno, 'Materialist Ecofeminism', Capire - Newsletter of the World of Women, No. 12, Rio de Janeiro, zoom. (BR)
Ariel Salleh (2024) 'Ecofeminism', Elgar Encyclopedia of Environmental Sociology, Cheltenham: UK: Elgar.
Ariel Salleh (2024) Interview by Emilie Echaroux, 'Il est urgent de sensibiliser les hommes a l'ecofeminisme', Usbek & Rica, June: a-l-ecofeminisme.
Ariel Salleh (2024) Interview by Emilie Echaroux, 'Sans la violence patriarchale, il n'y aurait pas au de modele pour le colonialisme', Usbek & Rica, June: patriarchale-il-n-y-aurait-pas-eu-de-modele-pour-le-colonialisme.
Code Pink:
Mothers of the Plaza Mayo:
Wages for Housework:
Women and Life on Earth:
Women for Diversity:
Women in Black:
Womens Environment Network:
Womens International League for Peace & Freedom:
World March of Women:
© Ariel Salleh.