Water Politics
Ariel Salleh (2014) 'Foreword' to Michal Kravcik et al., After Us, the Desert and the Deluge? Seoul: CIRCO. (Korean trans. KR)
Ariel Salleh (2015) 'Another Climate Strategy is Possible', www.pambazuka.org/en/category/features. (ZA)
Ariel Salleh (2015) 'Another Climate Strategy is Possible', Progress in Political Economy: www.ppesydney.net: http://ppesydney.net/democratising-class-theory/ (AU)
Ariel Salleh (2016) 'Climate, Water, and Livelihood Skills: A post-development reading of the SDGs', Globalizations, Vol. 13, No. 6, 952-959. (EU)
Ariel Salleh (2016) 'Odih's Watersheds in Marxist Ecofeminism', Capitalism Nature Socialism, Vol. 27, No. 1, 132-140. (US)
Ariel Salleh (2017) 'Water, Climate, and Peace: From Extractivism to Deep Ecological Commoning', Journal of Environmental Thought and Education, Vol. 10, 61-65. (Japanese trans. JP)
Ariel Salleh (2018) 'Rethinking Climate Politics in the Vernacular', Arena Magazine, No. 155, 18-20.
International Rivers Network: www.internationalrivers.org
Lock the Gate Alliance: www.lockthegate.org.au
Permaculture Australia: www.permacultureaustralia.org.au
The Water Paradigm: www.waterparadigm.org
Water Commons: www.ourwatercommons.org