Global Justice
Neoliberal colonisation, meta-industrial leadership, eco-sufficiency
Ariel Salleh with Len Webb (1986) 'A Critical Comment on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Draft Report: Population and Natural Resources', Australian Conservation Foundation submission to IUCN, New York, March.
Ariel Salleh (1987) 'The Predatory Model', original m/s 'Living with Nature'.
Ariel Salleh (1988) 'Interview with Maria Mies: Women, Nature and the International Division of Labour', Thesis Eleven, No. 21, 129-139.
Ariel Salleh (1990) 'Interview with Maria Mies: Women, Nature, and the International Division of Labour', Science as Culture, No. 9, 73-87. Reprint.
Ariel Salleh (1990) 'Bringing Development Back Home: International Development Ethics Association at Merida', Capitalism Nature Socialism Newsletter, No. 8, 15-18.
Ariel Salleh (1990) Invited Testimony to the National Organization of Women: Commission for Responsive Democracy Hearings, NYU Law School, December, 1-3.
Ariel Salleh (1992) 'Interview with Maria Mies: Patriarchy and Progress - A Critique of Technological Domination', Fifth Estate, No. 26, 8-17. Reprint.
Rio Earth Summit 1992
Ariel Salleh (1993) 'Living with Nature' in Maria Inacia d'Avila and Naomi de Vasconcelos eds., Ecologia, Feminismo, Desenvolvimento. Rio de Janeiro, EICOS-Universidade Federale, 57-67. Reprint.
Ariel Salleh (1993) 'Working with Nature: reciprocity or control?' in Michael Zimmerman, Baird Callicott, George Sessions, Karen Warren, and John Clark eds., Environmental Philosophy. New York: Prentice Hall, 310-319. Reprint.
Ariel Salleh (1998) 'Working with Nature: reciprocity or control?' in Michael Zimmerman, Baird Callicott, George Sessions, Karen Warren, and John Clark eds., Environmental Philosophy. New York: Prentice Hall, 315-324. Reprint.
Ariel Salleh (2001) Interview with Maria Mies: 'Women, Nature, and the International Division of Labour' in Veronika Bennoldt-Thomsen, Nicholas Faraclas, and Claudia von Werlhof eds., There Is An Alternative. London: Zed Books, 3-14. Reprint. Fifth Estate
Ariel Salleh (2004) 'Building a Synergistic Politics', The Commoner, No. 9, 1-10:
Ariel Salleh (2004) 'Greetings from the Global South', Proceedings of the, Perspektivenkongress, Technischen Universitat, Berlin. (German)
Ariel Salleh (2009) with Susan Hawthorne, Conversation: 'Thinking Beyond, Thinking Deep', Island Magazine, No 116, 8-17. (AU)
Ariel Salleh (2010) 'Green New Deal - or Globalisation Lite?', Arena Magazine, No. 105. 15-19.
Ariel Salleh (2011) 'The Value of a Synergistic Economy' in A. Nelson and F. Timmerman eds., Life Without Money: Building Fair and Sustainable Economies. London. Pluto Press.
Ariel Salleh (2012) ‘Rio+20 and the Neoliberal's "Green Economy": Seeking a Socially Inclusive Strategy for Climate Negotiations’, US Social Forum Newsletter, 23 April.
Ariel Salleh (2012) ‘Rio+20’ and the Extractivist Green Economy', Arena, No. 119.
Ariel Salleh (2012) 'Rio+20 et L'economie verte: les technocrates, les meta-industriels, le Forum Social Mondial et Occupy', La Découverte | Mouvements, No. 70, 83-98 (French trans.)
Ariel Salleh and James Goodman (2013) ‘The Green Economy: Class Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony’, Globalizations, Vol. 10, No. 3, 343-356.
Ariel Salleh (2014) 'Steger, Goodman, and Wilson, Justice Globalism', Interface, No. 6.
Ariel Salleh (2014) 'Fukushima: A Call for Women's Leadership':
Ariel Salleh (2014) 'The Value of a Synergistic Economy' in Anitra Nelson and Frans Timmerman (eds.), Life Without Money: Building Fair and Sustainable Economies. Paju: Booksea Publishing. (Korean trans. KR)
Ariel Salleh (2015) with James Goodman and Hamed Hosseini, 'From Sociological to Ecological Imagination: Another Future is Possible' in Jonathan Marshall and Linda Connor (eds.), Environmental Change and the World's Futures: Ecologies, Ontologies, Mythologies. London: Routledge.
Ariel Salleh (2015) 'Neoliberalism, Scientism, and Earth System Governance' in Raymond Bryant (ed.), International Handbook of Political Ecology, Elgar, Cheltenham. (UK)
Ariel Salleh (2015) 'Listening to Ecological Voices from the global South', Journal of Environmental Thought and Education, Vol. 8, 64-71 (JP)
Ariel Salleh (2016)「南」からのエコロジー的な声に耳を傾ける (Listening to Ecological Voices from the global South), Journal of Synthetic Anthropology, Vol. 10, 77-95, (Japanese trans. JP)
Ariel Salleh (2016) 'Climate, Water, and Livelihood Skills: A post-development reading of the SDGs', Globalizations, Vol. 13, No. 6, 952-959. (EU)
Ariel Salleh (2016) 'En "post-development" - forstaelse af klima, vand og baeredygtigheds malene', Clarte, No. 30, 10-18. (Danish trans. DN).
Ariel Salleh (2016) 'Justice and the Sustainable Development Goals?' SEARCH Foundation Bulletin, Special Edition on Environmental Justice, No. 25, 6-8 (AU)
Ariel Salleh (2016) 'Foreword' to John Clark, The Tragedy of Common Sense, Regina: Changing Suns Press, v-viii. (CA)
Ariel Salleh (2016) 'The Anthropocene: Thinking in "deep geological time" or deep libidinal time?, International Critical Thought, Vol. 6, No. 3, 422-433. (CN)
Ariel Salleh (2017) 'Water, Climate, and Peace: From Extractivism to Deep Ecological Commoning', Journal of Environmental Thought and Education, Vol. 10, 61-65. (Japanese trans. JP)
Ariel Salleh (2017) 'Ecofeminism' in Clive Spash (ed.), Ecological Economics: Nature and Society. London: Routledge. (UK)
(2020) 'Ekofeminizem', Okoljski Boji Skozi Peizmo Mnozicne Mobilizacije', Casopis za kritiko znanosti,domisljijo in novo antropologijo, Letnik XLVIII, stevilka 279, UDK 3, 10-25 (Slovene translation.)
Ariel Salleh (2018) 'Rethinking Climate Politics in the Vernacular', Arena Magazine, No. 155, 18-20.
Ariel Salleh (2018) with the Global Working Group Beyond Development, 'Stopping the Machines of Socio-Ecological Destruction and Building Alternative Worlds' in Miriam Lang, Claus-Dieter Konig and Ada-Charlotte Regelman (eds,), Alternatives in a World of Crisis. Brussels: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
Ariel Salleh (2018) 'Una estrategia eco-feminista: militar por el agua, el clima, y las luchas post-desarollo' [Joining Up Water, Climate, and Post-Development Struggles: An Ecofeminist Strategy] in Alberto Acosta (ed.), Ecuador Debate, No 103, 147-158. (Spanish trans.)
(2019) 'Okofeminizmus', Fordulat, Vol. 25, No. 1, 147-162. (Hungarian translation.)
(2020) 第19章 生态女性主义经济学: 从生态适量到全球正义 [澳]艾瑞尔·萨勒 著 郇庆治 译 国家出版基金项目 当代国外马克思主义前沿问题研究丛书 总主编 江 洋 马克思主义与女性主义, 申 森 主编 , 中国人民大学出版社 ·北京· (Chinese translation.)
(2022) 'Ecofeminist Strategy. The Politics of Holding Life-On-Earth'. Discourse-P, 19(1), 62–83. (Russian trans.)
Ariel Salleh (2019) with Ashish Kothari, Arturo Escobar, Federico Demaria, and Alberto Acosta, 'Crisis as Opportunity: Finding pluriversal paths' in Elise Klein and Carlos Eduardo Morreo (eds.), in Post-Development in Practice: Alternatives, Economies, Ontologies. London: Routledge.
Ariel Salleh (2019) 'Earth System Governance' in Ashish Kothari, Ariel Salleh, Arturo Escobar, Federio Demaria, and Alberto Acosta (eds.), Pluriverse: A Post Development Dictionary. New York: Columbia University Press and New Delhi: Tulika/AuthorsUpFront .
Ariel Salleh (2020) with Arturo Escobar, Ashish Kothari, Alberto Acosta, Federico Demaria, 'Encontrando senderos pluriversales’ in Carlos Pastor Pazmino (ed.), Concentracion economica y poder en America Latina. Quito: Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar University y Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
(2020) 'Coronavirus: the Crisis of the Anthropocene, The Ecologist: Reprint.
(2020) 'Podera O Coronavirus Salvar O Planeta', Editora Elefante: (Portuguese translation.)
Ariel Salleh (2020) 'A Materialist Ecofeminist Reading of the Green Economy: or, Yes Karl, the Ecological Footprint is Sex-Gendered’, in Hamed Hosseini, James Goodman, Sara Motta, and Barry Gills (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies. London: Routledge.
Ariel Salleh (2020) '"Holding" a Just and Ecological Peace' in Joseph Camilleri and Deborah Guess (eds.) Navigating the Great Transition: Towards a Just and Ecologically Sustainable Peace. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
Ariel Salleh (2020) 'Re-Worlding - with a Pluriversal New Deal', Arena, No. 4, 28-32. (AU)
(2021) 'Re-Worlding - with a Pluriversal New Deal', Global Tapestry of Alternatives Newsletter, No 4, May. Reprint.
Ariel Salleh (2020) 'On reading Esteva’s ‘Beyond the Democratic Nation-State', Beyond Development, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung: nation-state/?print=print.
Ariel Salleh (2020) with Federico Demaria, Alberto Acosta, Ashish Kothari, and Arturo Escobar, 'El pluriverso, horizontes para una transformación civilizatoria':
Ariel Salleh (2021) with Federico Demaria, Ashish Kothari, Arturo Escobar, and Alberto Acosta, 'Post- development: From the critique of development to a pluriverse of alternatives', in Sergio Villamayor-Tomas and Roldan Muradian (eds.). The Barcelona School of Ecological Economics and Political Ecology:Essays in Honour of Joan Martinez-Alier. Barcelona: Icaria
Ariel Salleh (2021) 'Holding as Labour and Epistemology', Global Dialogue, Vol. 11, No. 3.
Ariel Salleh (2021) Interview: 'A Regenerative Ethic for a Gender Just Transition', Gender and Just Transitions Series, Institute for Global Development, University of New South Wales:
(2023) Reprint - 'Ecofeminism for a Just and Sustainable Transition' in Goran Durdevic and Suzana Marjanic (eds.). Ecofeminism on the Edge. Leeds: Emerald Press, 251- 256.
Ariel Salleh (2020) - with Arturo Escobar, Ashish Kothari, Alberto Acosta, Federico Demaria,
'Encontrando senderos pluriversales’ in Carlos Pastor Pazmino (ed.), Concentracion economica y poder en America Latina. Quito: Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar University y Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Ariel Salleh (2022) 'Kroger's Extractivisms, Existences, and Extinctions: monoculture plantations and Amazon deforestation', Journal of Peasant Studies: DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2022.2137625.
Aid Watch:
Corporatate Watch:
Focus on the Global South:
Food First:
Global Footprint Network:
International Forum on Globalization:
Landless People's Movement:
Lucha Indigena:
Shack Dwellers International:
Survival International:
Third World Network:
Transnational Institute:
Up Side Down World:
Via Campesina:
World Rainforest Movement:
World Social Forum: